For Real This Time

New Year, New Goals.

If I take into account how the past couple of years have gone, I have started out strong blogging, and then I would quickly give up. A lot of this is from fear. Fear of failing, fear of success, you name it, I was probably afraid most especially the fear of getting judged by others. (Duh, this is going to happen whether I write or not!)

The past is the past. My main goal this year is to only compare myself to who I was yesterday and to be just a little better than I was the day before. This is going to require a lot of failing (that doesn’t make me a failure though), more tears than I can count, and an endless amount of practice. That is the only way to improve. Despite what society says, you don’t just wake up one morning and are a master at whatever skill tickles your fancy.

My goals are pretty standard this year:

Financial: Finish getting out of debt (we’re in the home stretch). Continue to improve my budgeting skills.

Career: Research the profession I plan to get into, and begin studying. I will need official education eventually, which will be cash-flowed as we will not incur more debt.

Food: I hate the way I feel when I eat like crap, so I’m not going to eat like crap. Yes, I will have cheat meals. No, this is not a diet. No fads. No pills. No thrills. Also, to drink as much water as my body will take.

Exercise: Walk for at least 10 minutes every day. (this is my goal for January, and I plan on increasing/adjusting for every month throughout the year) Steve and I are going to England in either late 2019 or early 2020, and I want to have the stamina to walk through cities, and countryside, and up castles.

Self Care: Forgiving myself when I fail and not giving up. It’s not a matter of if I’ll fail at something, but when. I give myself permission to forgive myself, move on, and continue to chase my goals.

Marriage: Spend as much free time with my husband as possible, and to make sure that he always knows that I love and cherish him.

Creativity: There are a lot of layers here, so I will break it down:

Reading: I have set a Good Reads goal of reading 52 books this year, and have personally challenged myself to reach 100. I have strived (and failed) on a couple of other occasions; however, I have a clear and definite plan in place (and a support system to encourage me and light a fire under my ass when needed).

Writing: 15 minutes a day of creative writing. It doesn’t matter if it is a letter to a friend, free writing, journaling, blogging, writing poetry or prose.

Blogging: As I stated earlier, I have failed a lot here. I finally know what I want to talk about, now, it’s just a matter of execution. I got this, and you’ll be hearing from me a lot more often.

Trying New Things: Calligraphy, piano, learn excel, baking.

All in all, I want to improve myself in all aspects of my life (as most people do). I want to always strive to be better than I was the day before. I have a clear vision of my future, and I see the path to that future very clearly. There will be bumps in the road, but that makes this 2019 adventure so fun.

Are you ready for it? I sure am.

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