The In-Between

What do you really want out of life? How are you going to accomplish it?

workFriday’s are interesting for me. I have a half day at my main job working from 6am until 10am. After that, I have from 10am-6pm free and then I work job #2 from 6pm-11pm-ish. I have been struggling to make this middle eight hours productive. I repeatedly tell myself, “Well, I work two jobs this days, I can use this middle eight hours to goof off and do what I want,” however, I believe it is truly a wasted potential productivity time.

relaxDo I believe I deserve time to just chill and relax? Absolutely. But how can I organize my time better to be more productive (even by half). For me, it’s setting daily goals. I always work on these the night before. I write a list of all of my must accomplishes (working which job and when, reminding myself to eat, etc), but I also include things that I would like to accomplish (dishes, reading x amount of pages in a certain text, laundry, etc).

When I complete a task and check that off of my list, it makes me feel good. Knowing that I’m accomplishing my goals, it provides a natural high.

completing tasksDo I complete everything on the list everyday? Not even close. But the more I complete, the better I feel. It also gives my day focus in such a way that I want to accomplish these things. I could easily spend the day binge watching shows. That used to be me all of the time, and I no longer want that for my life.

Don’t get me wrong. I do binge watch. I do eat junk on occasion. I do all of the fun things. But I also get far more accomplished in a day than I used to.

Today’s in-between consisted a little more of a rejuvenation day. Working two jobs is tough, but it’s not impossible and I’m proving that. I worked through most of my reading for The Two Towers today, and I took a much needed nap. I was going to play computer games for the next hour before my final job of the day, but decided to write instead. (Yay me!)

Figure out what you want and then figure out how you can accomplish it. It’s amazing how much time we spend doing nothing. And it almost never makes us truly happy.

what do you want

Happiness is my goal. Being debt free is my goal. Tapping into my true potential is my goal.

What’s yours?



Until next time,
